May 9, 2006: Today for the first time I went to the Press club new
building. One of my colleagues is a story writer. His name is K.L.Paul. There was book releasing. A collection of stories by him namely, "Sammarda Kalather Pranayam". The book was released by Kanayi Kunjiraman, accepted by George Onakkur and the the
presence of well known artist B.D.Dathan was there. There were a lot of writers etc.
I was invited because, I am also instrumental in the
development of Paul as a writer. He has published two
other collections namely, "kudajadriyile Pambukal" and
Some interesting happened today. The audio recorder
was not available today and I was asked by Paul to
note down the proceedings and salient points from the
talks of those well known persons I have mentioned
above. I didn't have papers ready with me. So I just
thought of getting the help of the budding
journalists of Press club of today.
I entered the first floor of the new building and
within the enclosure there were some students sitting.
I just knocked at the glass door and a boy of 25 years
came and asked me "what do you want?". The behaviour
was so peculiar and I couldn't describe that in good
words. I said, I happened to be there because of this
book release and I need some help and do any of you
have a tape recoder.
He answered that we don't have a recoreder and may be it will be available
with the office. I just walked up to the 2nd floor and
went to the office room. The lady sitting there was
previously for Kirali TV . I don't know her name (may
be Parvathy). She is famous in the media circle. She
told me that she recognise me, and obviously she
should recognise me if she come to the Police
Headquarters for any programme. I told her that I came
in the past to Kairali with the press release of DGP
so many times. I told her that I belong to the
millennium batch of the club and I need some help. She
and the officer staff were helpless. After a few
words, I asked the staff member there atleast to
provide me a few sheets of paper. He was kind enough
to give me that.
As of now,they are running two batches, one for print
and another for digital. Obviously the digital think
themselves as superior to others since they use the
technical gadgets. I saw a beautiful girl in a room
trying to operate a digi-camera. I asked her whether
she possess a recorder and introduced myself as an
aluminae of the journalism course. Her name is Priya
and she had done her BSc in Chemistry and planning to
MA in English Literature. She said me that she don't
have one and the office will have one. I know about
the office and I wished her all the lucks.
The function was great and I was reporting it as I was
doing it in my press club days.
The basic issues raised by the all speakers were that
the Malayalam language is in its cross roads. It is a
cultural ivasion etc. Mr. K.L. Paul is one of the new
generation writers who still stick on to the old
schools interest on the society. However, the whole
short story field is changing. There were some remarks
about the effectiveness of sculpture and painting in
comparison to a story written in languages. As per
their view, story written in a language is handicapped
because of the set backs faced by the language.
whereas the sculpture and painting got a universal
appeal etc.
I do agree with some of that. One among
the speakers said that its music which is supreme of
all art forms. My mind was like a volcano going to
burst. I wanted to talk to them point blank and say a
few words countering their views. But I am not
supposed to do that and being a reporter, I am only
supposed to report...........not to comment.
I know K.L. Paul for the past 7 years and what they
know is little compared to what I know.
To me, an art form is an expression the artist find suitable to
express his or her inner feelings and ideas. In Paul's
case, it is not just innerfeelings, but, the need he
has to project himself as a writer make him write. I
know it and I know the way and means in which he tries
to achieve that. I was guiding him in his efforts as a
good friend and I am happy that he is in pursuit of
what he is aiming at. Of the 50 stories he published
in his three collections, only 5 or 6 are good to be
considered as stories with substance. I think he is
lacking in depth in language and reading. But his
efforts cannot be undermined.
The following thoughts came to my mind after that.
1. Why the artist find it difficult to promote his
art in todays world based on the quality of his work,
why so?
2. Why people have to run for a academic forum, some
god fathers, some political support or patronage to
get himself established as an artist in this new
3. If we have a good publisher, good cover and good
media support brought out by the money, mediocre stuff
will also be bought by the people.
4. I find the people to be so much impatient to even
read a mail send by their friend, and how the people
could be made to read a story etc written by the
writer?, whether the same applies to the other art
5. many times the populistic art is very simple and
appreciated by various sections of the society, but
the same cannot be thought about by a good work with
technical uniqueness, and many times the good artists
have to compromise on to produce mediocre stuff as per
the tunes of the society for their survival. Is good
journalism is that.
6. Why the modern malayalam writers have to adopt
Malanglish to make the book readable, is it because of
lack of reading habit among the people, particularly
the younger generation. How much the visual media is
influencing to form such a mindset?
7. I don't think that the classical works are produced
by compulsion, but the inner urge of the writer or
artist, and its all passion one has with the life
around make an artist to respond in a way to produce
an art work in a specific form for his inner
satisfaction. An artist find solace and satisfaction
of his dreams when reproduced in a particular art
form. But whether the modern art form permits the same
You have to answer it for me dear friends
please do care to respond
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