Dear friends,
Looking our own life from a distance is very interesting.
After all these hues and cries...where we are all going to. One of my friends said this thing about travelling. If you go by bus or plane, you will reach there. If you go fast or slow you will reach there. Then why you are concerned about the mode of travelling. May be priorities..., of what???!!.
Nothing, but our own perception that some things are important than others or some events are important than others and some moments are better than others or some relations are precious than others etc. The make up of the human being is very puzzling. Our thought, action, body, senses, mind (is it there or not), intellect all contribute to be what we are. we are having multiple and singular dimensions at the same time. what we feel is real, then what is unreal. if it is unreal, then what is real.
The quest continues....and it will endlessly continue till the destruction of human being as a species. I think every event, life form and dead material has a significant role to make this picture of universe as it is.
If one thing is not there, then the picture is different. Going by the same logic, we are all born with a special purpose....to complete this picture as it is.The reason why we met at Press Club, and after the lapse of a few years, only a few are able to contact each other etc are all part of the great phenomenon of uncertainities...which we like to call as the LIFE.
In this journey, we are all with each other and when we are together....we are not alone, we can see feel each other a breath away, sense us and visualise us as virtual beings.....in this plane of existence or even with out the plane, in memories......!!
love and take care
yours anil
This one is also really enjoyable and worth pondering over,,,,,so pl.Anil keep your fingers busy on the keys......there are scores who enjoys and benefits........
Lets ignore the vicious utterings .......dont worry... Im least bothered abt the unfair comments and even thanking him for remending me of the US presence in the world cup.......
Thanks for the link you sent over but Im sorry to inform you none around me here to translate it from Malayalam.........so I can make out nothing from it
its something really thought provoking..........as there are so many who can make some really serious comments Ive nothing more to add
Dear Fatboy,
I think its my turn to accuse the man/lady behind the Fatboys cloak of not being able to keep apace with the fast changing humankind . Being a eunuch is no more something you should be ashamed of .Ostracization of sexual minorities could be found only in the stories of forgone era even in the most conformist societies like India. Ive immense concern for lesbians ,gays ,eunuchs etc and their rights…….and I don’t think attributing those titles practically the same as to name calling and you should rather resort to something else when confronting someone like me,unlike Mr.Anil, who is extra thick skinned and least bothered abt decorum and decency.
Had I been the target of those diatribe you hurled at the twosome, who were my acquaintances, for being little overweight and for handing out some risk-free and abundant tips on good living,you would have ended up with life supporting machines.
Im afraid you are barking at the wrong treees.Mr.Anil is someone who enjoys vide spread respectability as a very good human being in the age of insane souls like you and being lil overweight has nothing to do with her calibre who has the wherewithal to make it to the Nwyorker and the things binds her back to our mediocre world is nothing but sheer concern for our polity which has suffered depletion in its moral reserves recently and its her modesty n patriotic fervor that forbids her from running away from the issues of her motherland for the riches and luxury. And moreover Idont think she has the intention to walk on the ramp for the Dolce and Gabbane to display their latest series.Then why should she worry?
If you want to hunt someone down for being bulky why dont you go after Opera Winfrey who enjoys the same popularity and acceptability.
You are really a small fry for Anil and his friends .
whom and his friends you are incessantly attacking without any tangible reason,you would have been scurrying for life……
The stench emanating from the expletives strewn around by The fatboy and Palachira is something unbearable...........
They somehow managed to chase away the gentle soul ,Mr.Anil..........
I can do nothing but lament......
"complimments fly only when gentlefolk meet......."as the old saying goes
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