Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thanks for your blessings!

Thank you all for being with us with prayers and blessings ... Your blessings and wellwishes meant a lot for us
Ramesh and Rajani


ppanilkumar said...

What to say Rames & Rajani. Have nice time.

needledocgal said...

I feel sorry for u Anil the Fatboy must be one of your friends trying to deride u.......I know how much it takes to keep the frindships alive.Take it easy and never say die....there must be so many around the world keeping track of your blog without posting any comment .So dont worry.........

How easy it is to shower abuses on your old mates through the comforts of cyber space it takes nothing but a few tapping on your key board .........
I think the day is not too far there are so many who will rally around you to be the part of this great congragation ......not only your old mates but so many longing for sincere dont get bogged down by those stupid comments

needledocgal said...

Dear Anil,
Dont get cowed down by somebodys uncharitable ,I would rather rate it as uncharasteric, though I dont know the man/lady who posted that indecent comment , may be someone of your acquaintance and u might have zeroed in on him/her,comment........

What pains me most is why you are prolonging your silence ,I know you are a prolific writer who have an somewhat excellent command over the language and the article you have written comparing the niceties of Communism and Hindutva is something unparallell Ive read in the last couple of a Keralite it might be easy for u to write at lenght abt Communism but the depth of the article and your rather personal views are very touching and its relevance in the cotemporary Indian socio_political scenario is unquestionable.I had been a staunch supporter of Sangh ideology and politics,may be because of my Brahmin lineage, but not any more because the article help me to reinvent myself and I myself realised much later in life that I could be practising Brahmin and a better human being who longs for the well being of all the less previleged and downtrodden at the same time........thanks dear

Its soccer time here too though US hadnt qualified fot the finals and I have just finished a club match with my grand kids with the help of their Sony Playstation.....I know couple of things the keralites lose their sleep over its communism and foot ball........ so Anil come back with a article on soccer and its social impacts and as k ur journalist friends to contribute....cheer up

I have word of advice for the chaps who is responsible for the article in your blog to compell your friends to write something have an nice looking award winning young journalist ,I think she can help u immensly with her volumes of articles......and all the alumni to turn up in your blog

കെ said...

ഹായ് അനില്‍
ഓര്‍മ്മയുണ്ടോ ഈ മുഖം. ഞാന്‍ കെ ജി ബിജു. പണ്ടൊരു നാളില്‍ പ്രസ് ക്ലബില്‍ പത്രപ്രവര്‍്ത്തനം പഠിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. അവിചാരിതമായാണ് അനില്‍ സംവിധാനവും നിര്‍മ്മാണവും നിര്‍വഹിച്ച ഈ ബ്ലോഗ് കണ്ടത്. അതില്‍ ചരമം രമേശിന്‍റെ കല്യാണ ഫോട്ടോ കൂടി കണ്ടപ്പോള്‍ ‍െഞട്ടിത്തെറിച്ചു പോയി.
എന്തായാലും കൊളളാം. ഈ സംരംഭത്തിന് എന്‍റെ ഭാവുകങ്ങള്‍

കെ ജി ബിജു, കിളിമാനൂര്‍